Monroe Area Cemeteries
Here we have complied the most complete and up to date listing of all cemeteries located within Monroe, Harriman, and Arden. These listings are for all cemeteries that are open to the public and does not include cemeteries that are on private grounds and not open or accessible to the public.
By clicking on a picture of the cemetery, another window will pop up that will be from the website “Find A Grave”, which allows you to view all the interments within this cemetery you selected.
By clicking on the name of the cemetery under the picture of the cemetery, another window will pop up that will be also be from the website “Find A Grave”. You can search within that cemetery by entering the first or last name of the person you are searching for in the search box and clicking search.
Through our efforts, we've achieved nearly 100% grave site photographing of both Our Lady of the Assumption Cemetery and Gate of Heaven Cemetery and will continue to document as much of all the rest of the Monroe area cemeteries as time permits.